Hema Karunadasa,Wendy Mao,Adam Jaffe和Yu Lin



学者,泰勒 - 泰勒 - 泰勒能源政策和金融中心
讲师,斯坦福法学院10bet bwin

Jeffrey Ball是一位作家,其工作侧重于能源和环境。在大西洋,财富,新共和国,外事,华尔街日报,纽约时报和石板中出现了球的写作,以及其他出版物。在Steyer-Taylor的能源政策和金融中心,Ball领导一个项目评估全球化清洁能源行业的比较优势。

Ball于2011年从华尔10bet bwin街日记开始来到斯坦福国,他是纸张的环境编辑,并以前是专栏的专栏作家和记者,专注于能源和环境。He and his wife are resident fellows of Roble Hall, Stanford’s largest four-class undergraduate house, where he launched and directs the Roble Living Laboratory for Sustainability at Stanford, an initiative that encourages students to wrestle daily with the possibilities and difficulties of living more sustainably.